Thursday, 14 July 2011

My first bridal corset commission - Done!

There has been blood, there has been sweat, there have been tears, there has been swearing, and sobbing and also hystericaly euphorical moments, all of which have contributed to the completion of my first ever paid commission ...

It's been a very very steep learning curve.  Even though I have made lots of corsets and been studying the subject for years,  I have learned more than I could ever have imagined by doing this,  and I have made some wonderful corset making friends along the way, some of whom I'll be meeting on 20 August at the Foundations Revealed field trip to the Symington Collection of Corsets.  Details here.

Luckily today was a beautiful sunny day and so I took her outside for a photo shoot.

Now all I need to do is think of a name for my 'label' ... Any ideas?  Anyone?

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